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How We Help Companies
We offer an Investor's Concierge, which is a suite of services offered to support international companies at the critical, early stage of their business journey into Brunei Darussalam. Supported by our network of stakeholders and partners, resources and knowledge, the program ensures international companies and investors have the best possible experience in exploring and navigating Brunei Darussalam’s business ecosystem.

Market Entry Support

Support Manpower Recruitments & Permits

Company Registration Support

Data Resource for Business

Source for Working Space & Premises

Support for Application of Permits & Licenses

Facilitate Project Financing & Co-Investment

Coordination with 3rd Party Service Providers

Familiarization Visit

Stakeholder Coordination
International Companies established in Brunei Darussalam

How we can help you
Work with us to determine how your company can take advantage of the unique assets of Brunei Darussalam
"Brunei Darussalam's economic strength, geographic location, stability, focus on safety, low tax rates and strong relationship with its Asean neighbours all contributed to CAE's decision to make a significant investment in establishing a World-class multi-purpose training centre in Brunei Darussalam."
CAE Brunei MPTC Sdn Bhd
Brunei Darussalam has a stable political climate, wealthy economy which is open and favourable to foreign Investment. Brunei Darussalam is located in the centre of Southeast Asia and considered as The "Hub of ASEAN™ to access to the tremendous growth potential of ASEAN market. Brunei has a well-educated, largely english speaking population and excellent infrastructure.
Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group Co Ltd
*The strategic location of Brunei Darussalam within the ASEAN market with its economic, political stability amd peace along with strong leadership and vision 2035 makes it very attractive for Medium-Sized Export Oriented Companies such as Polygel to relocate its manufacturing activities. Brunei Darussalam is in the process of creating a very positive and favourable eco-system for companies in knowledge-based and value-added downstream manufacturing sector as well as supporting our ambitions in a manner such that companies can focus on marketing, sales and geographical expansion of network and product development activities."
Polygel Organometallic (B) Sdn Bhd
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